Wolfgang Kotzur has been an attorney and partner at Oppenhoff since 2020. Previously, he worked at Simmons & Simmons in the Banking and Finance department as a Rechtsanwalt and solicitor and previously spent 10 years in in London working as a solicitor for Linklaters and Freshfields. Wolfgang Kotzur studied law at the University of Durham (LL.B.), the College of Law in Guildford (Diploma in Law) and the University of Gießen (Dr. iur.).
Dr. Wolfgang Kotzur
Banking and Capital Markets Law, FinancingInsolvency and RestructuringPrivate Equity

Wolfgang Kotzur has in-depth expertise in advising borrowers and lenders on debt financing transactions under both German and English law. He has worked for all types of borrowers and lenders on a variety of different financing structures for around two decades.
A focus of his advisory practice is on corporate finance, senior and mezzanine real estate finance, receivables finance transactions and restructurings.
Wolfgang Kotzur also has extensive experience in advising on transactions relating to acquisition financing and fund financing such as capital call facilities.
Dr. Wolfgang Kotzur
German, English
Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4
60306 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 (0) 69707968 181
M +49 174 6336 576
Articles and Essays
Practical law guide zu lending and takting security in Germany
Thomson Reuters, March 2025 (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Nefail Berjasevic and Marc Krischer)
Kreditfonds sprießen förmlich aus dem Boden [Credit funds are literally sprouting out of the ground]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 1 February 2022, No. 21, p. 48
Alternative Finanzierungen gewinnen an Bedeutung [Alternative financing is gaining in importance]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 16 January 2021
Den Bruch verhindert, doch die Trennung gestartet [Although the rupture’s been prevented, the separation has started]
Legal Tribune Online dated 13 January 2021 (in collaboration with Annabelle Marceau and Dr. Alexander Willemsen)
Lexology Getting the deal through FinTech 2020
Contributor for Germany 2019
Bail-in und Folgefragen [Bail-in and follow-up questions]
Vol 2 2014, Recht der Finanzinstrumente
Termination of Contracts - Frustrated Parties?
Vol 13 Issue 11 Journal of International Banking Law, November 1998
Books and Legal Commentaries
Die Auswirkungen von außergewöhnlichen Ereignissen auf vertragliche Schuldverhältnisse - Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zum englischen und deutschen Recht [The effects of extraordinary events on contractual obligations – a comparative study of English ]
Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag Der Wissenschaften 2001
Green Finance, ESG Workshop Deutsches Institut für Rechtsabteilungen und Unternehmensjuristen, diruj [German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Lawyers] (1 December 2022)
Corporate Law / Banking and Capital Markets Law, Financing15.02.2024 News
Oppenhoff advised on add-on unitranche facility for MRH Trowe
Oppenhoff advised the industrial insurance broker MRH Trowe on an upsizing of the existing unitranche financing to provide funding for the group’s next step of its growth story.
Banking and Capital Markets Law, Financing07.08.2023 News
Oppenhoff advises world’s largest cable manufacturer Prysmian on EUR one billion group financing
Oppenhoff has advised the world’s largest cable manufacturer Prysmian S.p.A. on its new EUR one billion revolving credit facility . The facility is being made available by an international banking consortium including the seven bookrunners Banco BPM, BNP Paribas, Citibank, Crédit Agricole CIB, ING, Intesa Sanpaolo and Mediobanca. ING acted as documentation agent, Intesa Sanpaolo as ESG advisor and Mediobanca as facility agent.
Energy and InfrastructureBanking and Capital Markets Law, Financing / Mergers & Acquisitions / Corporate Law20.06.2023 News
Oppenhoff advises AustriaEnergy International on Green Bond
Oppenhoff has advised the AustriaEnergy Group together with Simmons & Simmons on the creation and placement of a Green Bond with a target volume of €25 million.