Michael is a founding partner of Oppenhoff. He was a partner at Oppenhoff & Rädler / Linklaters LLP from 1983 to 2007. He studied law at the University of Cologne. Prior to becoming a lawyer he was a television journalist and served for many years as an officer in the German Army Reserve (Lieutenant Colonel German Army Reserve). He is a member of the German Law Association (DAV), the German Intellectual Property Rights Association (GRUR), the American Bar Association (ABA) and the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA). He is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OneVision AG. Michael is also a member of the German Association for Defence Technology (DWT) and the Association of the German Army (FKH). He represents Oppenhoff in the Federation of German Security & Defence Industries (BDSV).

Michael Abels is specialised in advising high-technology enterprises and governments in the areas of acquisitions, restructurings, strategic alliances, joint ventures and commercial contracts. He also advises clients wishing to implement projects in these areas. He originally concentrated on information technology (system agreements, distribution structuring and IT / BPO Outsourcing) but has extended his area of special expertise to aerospace and defence technology.
Best Lawyers list him as one of the best lawyers for IT law in Germany.
Michael Abels
German, English
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 600
M +49 172 2905 362
Books and Legal Commentaries
AGB im Wirtschaftsverkehr: Herausforderung und Hürde [General business terms and conditions in commercial trade: challenge and hurdle]
Kölner AGB-Symposien dated 2007 and 2008, ed. by Michael Abels/Manfred Lieb
AGB im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kautelarpraxis und Rechtsprechung Linklaters AGB-Symposien [General business terms and conditions between the conflicting priorities of preventative legal practice and jurisprudence]
Nomos Verlag dated 2005 and 2006 (in collaboration with Manfred Lieb)
AGB und Vertragsgestaltung nach der Schuldrechtsreform GB-Symposium [General business terms and conditions and contract structuring pursuant to the reformed law of obligations]
Nomos Verlag dated 2004 (in collaboration with Manfred Lieb)
Zur Frage des Urheberschutzes für Jenseitsäußerungen durch ein Medium [Copyright protection for statements by a medium on the afterlife]
Annotation in GRUR, pp. 61-62
Articles and Essays
Das Schweigen des Bundeswirtschaftsministers [The silence of the Economics Minister]
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated 16 February 2022, No. 39, p. 18 (in collaboration with Stephan Müller)
Bedarf eine Gesetzesänderung zur Einschränkung der Inhaltskontrolle im B2B-Bereich erneut bestätigt [Need for a legislative amendment to restrict content monitoring in B2B business reconfirmed]
Annotation of judgement, Betriebs-Berater dated 2010, p. 918
Zur überbetrieblichen Unterstützungskasse in der Anwaltskanzlei [The external pension fund in law firms]
essay in AnwBl dated 1992, pp. 522-524
Der deutsche Anwalt im internationalen Wettbewerb [German lawyers in international competition]
congress speech, essay in AnwBl dated 1989, pp. 447-451
EDV im Unternehmen Anwaltsbüro [EDP at law firms]
congress speech, essay in AnwBl dated 1986, pp. 480-482
Der Computer im Anwaltsbüro - auch ein rechtliches Problem? [Computers in law firms – also a legal problem?]
essay in AnwBl dated 1984, pp 17-22
“Legal pitfalls in German pricing law for BAAINBw contracts’, RIF Institut für Forschung und Transfer, (12 June 2024)
Aerospace and DefenceCorporate Law / Mergers & Acquisitions / Commercial / Antitrust Law and Merger Control / Intellectual Property Law / Foreign Trade20.02.2025 News
Oppenhoff advises on German-French armaments program Main Ground Combat System (MGCS)
Oppenhoff has advised KNDS Deutschland on the conclusion of a joint venture agreement with KNDS France, Rheinmetall Landsysteme and Thales for the formation of the MGCS Project Company GmbH.
Aerospace and Defence23.12.2024 News
Oppenhoff advises KNDS Group on implementation of its new uniform corporate identity
KNDS, a leading European manufacturer of military land systems based in Amsterdam, has renamed its parent company and group companies around Krauss-Maffei Wegmann GmbH & Co. KG and Nexter Systems S. A. and introduced a new, standardised brand identity.
Aerospace and DefenceAntitrust Law and Merger Control / Banking and Capital Markets Law, Financing / Corporate Law / Mergers & Acquisitions06.02.2024 News
Oppenhoff advises KNDS on cornerstone investment in connection with RENK Group listing
Oppenhoff has advised KNDS N.V. on a cornerstone investment in connection with the listing of RENK Group AG at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. KNDS has acquired a 6.7 percent stake in RENK.