Maximilian Reichl joined Oppenhoff in 2021. He studied law at the University of Passau and completed his legal training at the Higher Regional Court of Munich. Before joining Oppenhoff, he worked as a lawyer in the dispute resolution practice group of a US law firm in Frankfurt am Main.
Maximilian Reichl advises and represents clients in and out of court in commercial disputes.
A particular focus of his work is on domestic court proceedings following international arbitration proceedings, such as the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards, annulment proceedings, and the defence against such measures.
As part of Oppenhoff's Latin America Desk, Maximilian Reichl is fluent in Spanish and regularly advises clients from Latin American countries on questions of German law. He also assists European companies in disputes involving Latin American jurisdictions.
Maximilian Reichl also advises on the defence and enforcement of claims for damages of all kinds, in particular on company and consultant liability. He regularly represents his clients in national and international arbitration proceedings, for example under the DIS or ICC arbitration rules.
As a member of Oppenhoff's automotive sector group, he also advises clients on the negotiation of supply contracts in the automotive industry.
Maximilian Reichl serves as a lecturarer on professional liability for the Frankfurt Bar and as an examiner for the State Examination.
Maximilian Reichl
German, English, Spanish
Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4
60306 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 69 707968 134
M +49 151 2300 7913
Articles and Essays
Organisationsverschulden in der Kanzlei 2.0: (Un-)verzeihliche digitale Fehltritte bei der Softwarepflege [Organisational negligence in law firm 2.0: (Un)forgivable digital faux pas in software maintenance]
RDi 2024, 243
Zur Erstattungsfähigkeit der durch die Mandatierung eines zweiten Rechtsanwalts entstandenen Mehrkosten [Reimbursability of additional costs incurred through retention of a second lawyer]
EWiR 2023, 703-704
Wenn zwei sich streiten, freut sich der Drittstaat [When two quarrel, the third country rejoices]
Deutscher Anwaltspiegel dated 29 April 2020 (in collaboration with Dr. Michael Weigel)
Zurück in die Zukunft – Analogisierung des elektronischen Fristenkalenders [Back to the future – converting the electronic deadline calendar into analogue form]
Deutscher Anwaltspiegel dated 07 October 2019 (in collaboration with Dr. Michael Weigel)
Schlussakkord im Grauzementkartell – Antworten des BGH auf kartellrechtliche Grundsatzfragen [Final chord in the grey cement cartel: Federal Supreme Court’s answers to fundamental issues of antitrust law]
Europäische Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht 2018, Issue 19 , pp. 804-811