Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2021. He studied at the University of Applied Sciences for Finances (Fachhochschule für Finanzen, FH) in Nordkirchen and graduated in tax administration (Dipl.-Finanzwirt). He subsequently completed his Masters degree in corporate tax law at the University of Cologne. Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast went on to study law at the University of Cologne, focussing on tax and corporate law, and worked for several years as a research assistant. His legal internship included periods working in a medium-sized commercial law firm and in the legal department of an international corporate group. Before Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast joined Oppenhoff, he was a lawyer in the Corporate/M&A department at CMS Hasche Sigle.

Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast advises and represents national and international companies on all matters of tax law. His work includes accompanying advice during external audits and in proceedings both in and out of court. A further focus of his work is international tax law. Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast is also experienced in providing transaction advice.
Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast
Junior PartnerRechtsanwalt
German, English
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 548
M +49 151 1403 3886
Articles and Essays
Entgeltliche Ablösung eines Nießbrauchs an GmbH-Anteilen [Termination of a holding of shares in a limited liability company in usufruct against payment]
DER BETRIEB dated 10 March 2025, Nr. 11, pp. 629-630 (in collaboration with Jan Keesen)
Spielerverträge im E-Sport: Was es steuerlich zu beachten gilt [Player contracts in e-sport: the tax considerations]
SpoPrax dated 1 March 2023, Issue 3, pp.171-178 (in collaboration with Daniel Gellrich)
Der Fiskus spielt mit - Digitale Athleten in unsicherem rechtlichen Umfeld [The tax authorities also participate in the game – digital athletes in an uncertain legal environment]
Börsenzeitung dated 04 March 2023 (in collaboration with Daniel Gellrich)