Marco Degginger has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2019. He studied law at the Universities of Münster and Perugia from 2011 to 2016, with a focus on information, telecommunications and media law. During his legal internship at the District Court of Düsseldorf, Marco Degginger completed stations inter alia at the law firm Orth Kluth in the area of IP, IT, data protection and copyright law, at the law firm Noerr LLP in Düsseldorf as well as at the German Embassy in New Delhi.
Marco Degginger
IT Law and Data ProtectionCompliance & Internal Investigations

Marco Degginger advises and represents national and international enterprises on questions
of IT and data protection law. In particular, his work includes advice on drafting contracts in the areas of data protection, cloud computing and software projects. Marco Degginger also has experience in copyright and competition law.
Marco Degginger
Junior PartnerRechtsanwalt
German, English, Italian
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 365
M +49 162 1313 994
Articles and Essays
Der Sprung aus der analogen Compliancearbeit [The transition from analogue compliance work]
Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel dated 17 July 2024, Issue 15, p.3-6 (in collaboration with Dr. Daniel Dohrn)
Das DGVFM-Datenbankprojekt – eine zukunftsweisende Kooperation zwischen Versicherungsindustrie und Wissenschaft [The DGVFM database project – a forward-looking cooperation between the insurance sector and science]
DAV Journal dated January 2024, pp. 12-17 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Grätz, Dr. Marc Hilber, Kai Hoff, Dr. Verena Reiter and Prof. Dr. Matthias Scherer)
Die Reichweite des datenschutzrechtlichen Auskunftsrechts [The range of the right to information under data protection law]
DER BETRIEB dated 15 November 2021, No. 46, p. 2744 et seqq. (in collaboration with Dr. Jürgen Hartung)
Gefahr durch Cyber Angriffe [Threat from Cyber Attacks]
Legal Revolution dated 28 December 2020, LR 2020, p. 337 – 342 (in collaboration with Sebastian Gutmann)