Articles and Essays
Practical law guide zu lending and takting security in Germany
Thomson Reuters, March 2025 (in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Nefail Berjasevic and Dr. Wolfgang Kotzur)
International Comparative Legal Guide - Corporate Tax 2023, Chapter Germany, 19th Edition, pp. 41-46 (in collaboration with Dr. Gunnar Knorr)
International Comparative Legal Guide - Corporate Tax 2022, Chapter Germany, 18th Edition (in collaboration with Dr. Gunnar Knorr)
International Comparative Legal Guide - Corporate Tax 2021, Chapter Germany, 17th Edition, pp.58-63 (in collaboration with Dr. Gunnar Knorr)
Mehr Geld bei Dienstreisen [More money for business trips]
Legal Tribune Online dated 28 June 2019
Global Legal Insights to: Corporate Tax 2018
glg global legal group, 6th edition, German chapter, (in collaboration with Dr. Gunnar Knorr)
EuGH-Vorlage zur steuerrechtlichen Gleichbehandlung im Gesundheitswesen (umsatzsteuerliche Behandlung der Rabatte pharmazeutischer Unternehmen an die PKV) [ECJ submission on equal tax treatment in the health sector (turnover tax treatment of the discounts by pharmaceutical enterprises to private health insurance companies)]
re. Federal Fiscal Court decision dated 22 June 2016 – V R 42/15, DER BETRIEB briefly annotated, DB1215680 dated 6 September 2016 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Bödefeld)
Keine Entgeltminderung durch Zwangsrabatte pharmazeutischer Unternehmen an private Krankenversicherungen [No reduced charges through compulsory discounts of pharmaceutical enterprises to private health insurance companies]
re. Fiscal Court of Berlin-Brandenburg judgement dated 13 May 2015 – 7 K 7323/13 (pending before the Federal Fiscal Court: XI R 14/15), DER BETRIEB dated 13 November 2015, p. 2666 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Bödefeld)
Germany: Simplifications on tax grouping rules and their adjustment to European Law
Bloomberg BNA Tax Planning International, Volume 15, Number 6, June 2013 (in collaboration with Janina Zensus)
Das MicroBilG [The German Act amending the Council Directive on the annual accounts of certain types of companies as regards micro-entities]
Legal Tribune Online April 2012 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Wenzel)