Marc Alexander has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff & Partner since 2010. During his training he worked at the German-British Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK) in London and at Lowenstein Sandler in New York. He studied law at the University of Bonn and obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M.) in real estate law at the University of Münster in 2019.

Marc Alexander Häger specialises in real estate law and has particular experience in complex real estate transactions, commercial tenancy law and insolvency law. In this context, he advises and represents national and international companies, investors and public clients on the acquisition and sale of real estate portfolios, the leasing and letting of office, retail, logistics and other commercial space as well as on all types of project developments. His regular clients include well-known retailers, including real estate funds, asset managers as well as national and international real estate investors.
Marc Alexander Häger is a member of the firm’s Retail and Consumer Goods sector group and is head of the Fashion & Luxury Clients sector. The German Commercial Gazette (Handelsblatt) and the US publishing house Best Lawyers list him as one of “Germany’s best lawyers 2024” in the category real estate law.
Marc Alexander Häger
German, English
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Köln
T +49 221 2091 552
M +49 162 2008 457
Articles and Essays
Welche Folgen hat die Vermieterinsolvenz für das Mietverhältnis? [What consequences does the lessor’s insolvency have on the lease relationship?]
Legal Tribune Online dated 6 March 2024 (in collaboration with Marvin Rochner)
Geplanter Wegfall der Schriftform bei Gewerbemieten: Formlos ins Chaos? [Planned elimination of the written form for commercial leases: will informality lead to chaos?]
Legal Tribune Online dated 2 October 2023 (in collaboration with Caner Ertasoglu)
Trend oder Pflicht? [Trend or obligation?]
Anwaltsspiegel – SustainableValue dated 15 December 2021 (in collaboration with Marvin Rochner)
BGH verhandelt zu Corona-Schließungen - Müssen Mieter die volle Miete zahlen? [German Federal Supreme Court hears case on corona closures – do lessees have to pay the full rent?]
Legal Tribune Online dated 30 November 2021 (in collaboration with Marvin Rochner)
Umnutzung statt Umzug: Wenn aus Büros Wohnungen werden [Conversion instead of moving: When offices become flats]
Legal Tribune Online dated 13 October 2021 (in collaboration with Ann Margret Herzhoff)
Betriebsschließungen wegen Corona: Können Mieter jetzt doch mindern? [Company closures due to corona: Can tenants now reduce their rents after all?]
Legal Tribune Online dated 19 November 2020
Rechtslage in der Corona-Krise: Müssen Gastronomen weiter Mieten zahlen? [Legal situation in the corona crisis: do restaurant owners have to continue paying rent?]
Interview in FoodService dated 24 March 2020
Geschlossene Geschäfte in der Coronakrise: Müssen Ladenbetreiber weiter Miete zahlen? [Shops closed during the corona crisis: do shop owners have to continue paying their rent?]
LTO dated 20 March 2020 (together with Marvin Rochner)
`Tradition trifft Moderne’, Nordrhein-Westfalen starkes Land [Tradition meets modernity, North-Rhine Westphalia – a strong county]
in Der SPIEGEL dated 24 November 2017 (in collaboration with Dr. Stefanie Minzenmay)
BGH, 09.02.2017 - V ZB 166/15: Grundbuchfähigkeit einer ausländischen Gesellschaft – Società semplice [FCJ, 9 February 2017 – V ZB 166/15: eligibility of a foreign company – società semplice - to be entered in the Commercial Register]
Zeitschrift für Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht dated 2017, 177
Rückrufaktion bei VW - Klage nicht immer wünschenswert [Recall at VW - Lawsuit not always desirable]
Behörden Spiegel dated 9 October 2015
Netzbetreiber haftet Verbrauchern umfassend für Schäden [Network operator comprehensively liable towards consumers for damages]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 5 July 2014 (in collaboration with Philipp Arbeiter)
Fünf Jahre "Schiedsfähigkeit II" - ein Überblick unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der ergänzenden Regeln für gesellschaftsrechtliche Streitigkeiten der DIS [Five years “Arbitrability II” – An overview giving particular consideration to the supplementary DIS’ rules for corporate law disputes]
Betriebs-Berater dated 2014, p. 1737, also printed in: Internationaler Rechtsverkehr 2/2014, p. 10, (in collaboration with Dr. Christoph Niemeyer)
Wer für Schäden durch Stromausfälle haftet [Who bears the liability for damage caused by power cuts]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 8 December 2012 (in collaboration with Silvanne Helle)
Kopfschmerzen wegen Überschuldung light [Headaches due to overindebtedness light]
Legal Tribune Online (LTO) dated 24 August 2011, (in collaboration with Dr. Christoph Poertzgen)
Teurer Stromausfall – Schadensersatz vom Versorger wegen Atomausstiegs fraglich [Expensive power cut – compensation from supplier due to withdrawal from nuclear energy programme questionable]
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) dated 27 July 2011 (in collaboration with Silvanne Helle)
Rechtliche Folgen unwirksamer Preisanpassungsklauseln in Energielieferverträgen mit Sonderkunden [Legal consequences of invalid price adjustment clauses in power supply contracts with special customers]
RdE dated 2009, p. 276 (in collaboration with Dr. Klaus Olschewski)
"Green Leases", ESG Workshop Deutsches Institut für Rechtsabteilungen und Unternehmensjuristen, diruj [German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Lawyers], 1 December 2022 (in collaboration with Marvin Rochner)
"Die Topthemen im Gewerbemietvertrag und ihre vertraglichen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten" [The top topics concerning commercial rent contracts and their contractual structuring options], Cologne, 23 May 2019 and Hamburg, 13 June 2019
"Die urbane Immobilie – Gesetzliche Vorkaufsrechte und gemeindliche Satzungen" [Urban real estate – statutory rights of preemption and bylaws], Frankfurt, 6 June 2018 and Cologne, 18 June 2018
"Die Industrieimmobilie – Best Practice bei der Kaufvertragsgestaltung" [Industrial real estate – best practice for structuring the contracts], Cologne, 1 June 2017 and Frankfurt, 29 June 2017
Co-founder of the Cologne Vis Moot School (since 2014)
Real Estate Law / Tax Law28.04.2021 News
Oppenhoff advises SEPHORA on leasing office space and flagship store in Düsseldorf
Oppenhoff has advised the global cosmetics chain SEPHORA on the leasing of office and retail space for its new German headquarters and a flagship store in the Schadow Arkaden in Düsseldorf.