Hanna Schmidt has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2018. She studied law at the University of Münster. From 2008 to 2010 she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Public Commercial Law. After her second state examination, she initially worked as a lawyer for a medium-sized Cologne law firm specialising in commercial law (Friedrich Graf von Westphalen & Partner) and subsequently for the international law firm DLA Piper. In 2015, she also worked in the claims department of a company in the field of D&O insurance as part of a six-month secondment.

Hanna Schmidt works in the field of Information Technology & Communications. She advises and represents national and international enterprises in technology-related transactions, in particular in software development projects. In addition, she specialises in the drafting of general terms and conditions and sales-related contracts, as well as issues relating to e-commerce and product liability. Furthermore, Hanna Schmidt has experience in the field of insurance law with a focus on business liability insurance and D&O liability and has also already regularly given seminars on contract and product liability law.
Dr. Hanna Schmidt
Junior PartnerRechtsanwältin
German, English
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 613
M +49 172 1475 126
Articles and Essays
Cyberversicherungen: Unsicherheiten in der Schadenregulierung bleiben vorerst [Cyber insurance: uncertainties regarding damage regulation remain for the time being]
Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel dated 24 April 2024, Issue 9, pp.18-20
Vertragsgestaltung: Beschaffungsrisiko in Krisenzeiten [Contract drafting: procurement risks in times of crisis]
Deutscher Anwaltspiegel dated 15 March 2023