Articles and Essays
Cannabis zu medizinischen Zwecken: Apotheken, die neuen Coffeeshops? [Cannabis for medicinal purposes? Are pharmacies the new cannabis cafés?]
Legal Tribune Online dated 4 December 2024
The German E-Health-Act as goal tracker for the German government's commitment to e-health innovation
Digital Health Legal dated 1 January 2018
Der (virtuelle) Datenraum als „conditio sine qua non“ für eine erfolgreiche Transaktion [The (virtual) data room as “condition sine que non” for a successful transaction), anniversary publication]
anniversary publication, Science 4 Life dated 1 January 2018
Die Zukunft in der Gesundheitsbranche?! [The future of the healthcare sector?!]
transcript dated 1 January 2018
The use of telemedicine is liberalised in Germany
Digital Health Legal dated 1 January 2018, Volume 5, Issue 6
Crowdfunding für Biotech-Firmen [Crowdfunding for biotech companies]
transcript dated 1 May 2017
Aufgaben und Inhalt des (virtuellen) Datenraums [Tasks and content of the (virtual) data room]
transcript dated 1 January 2016
Biotechnologie und Big Pharma – Erfolgsfaktoren beim Exit [Biotechnology and Big Pharma – success factors for exits]
Biotechnologie dated 1 January 2016
Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen im Technologietransfer [Restraints of competition when transferring technology]
transcript dated 1 January 2015