David Falkowski has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2018. He studied law at the University of Cologne. David Falkowski completed his legal training in Bonn, amongst others at a law firm specialising in inheritance law and at a notary's office. He began his career as a lawyer in 2014 in a Bonn law firm, where he worked in the areas of inheritance law/succession, commercial and corporate law.
David Falkowski
Corporate LawMergers & AcquisitionsSuccession, Wealth and FoundationsCompliance & Internal Investigations

David Falkowski advises German and foreign companies and foundations on all questions of German and European corporate and foundation law. As a member of the Succession, Wealth & Foundations practice group, he also advises wealthy private individuals, company owners, family-run companies and foundations on all issues relating to corporate and asset succession, with a special focus on cross-border issues. David Falkowski also advises on Compliance topics.
David Falkowski is a member of the Private Clients and Sustainability sector groups at Oppenhoff. He is co-author of a handbook on corporate succession with a chapter on corporate succession mortis causa.
David Falkowski
Junior PartnerRechtsanwalt
German, English
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 497
M +49 174 6378 398
Articles and Essays
Die Umsetzung der Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive kommt [Forthcoming implementation of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive]
SustainableValue dated 13 May 2024, Issue 2, pp. 3-5
Schadensersatzanspruch auf Zustimmung zur Rückgängigmachung einer Satzungsänderung trotz Bestandskraft des Änderungsbeschlusses [Damage claim for consent to the rescission of an amendment to the articles of association despite the validity of the amendment resolution]
DER BETRIEB dated 20 March 2023, Issue 12, pp. 697-698 (in collaboration with Dr. Günter Seulen)
Verstoß englischen Erbrechts gegen den deutschen ordre public wegen Fehlen eines Pflichtteilsrechts von Kindern [English inheritance law violates German public order because children have no right to a compulsory portion]
Zeitschrift für die Steuer- und Erbrechtspaxis, Issue 12/2022, pp. 453-459 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Wenzel)
Zur Durchführung der Identifizierung nach dem Geldwäschegesetz [The identification procedure pursuant to the German Money Laundering Act]
DER BETRIEB dated 19 September 2022, Issue 38, pp. 2264-2269 (in collaboration with Dr. Günter Seulen)
Prospekthaftung: Schadensersatz wegen Kapitalanlagebetrugs bei Wertpapiererwerb am Sekundärmarkt [Prospectus liability: damages due to investment fraud when acquiring securities on the secondary market]
DER BETRIEB dated 15 August 2022, Issue 33, pp. 1955-1956 (in collaboration with Dr. Günter Seulen)
Schadensersatzanspruch auf Zustimmung zur Rückgängigmachung eines pflichtwidrigen satzungsändernden Beschlusses trotz dessen Bestandskraft [Damage claim for consent to the rescission of a resolution amending the statutes in breach of duty, despite its legal validity]
EWiR dated 22 April 2022, Issue 8, p. 232 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Wenzel)
Geltendmachung von Schadensersatzansprüchen: Auskunftspflicht des Geschäftsführers gegenüber GmbH nach Abberufung auch bei Selbstbelastung [Assertion of damage claims: managing director’s duty to inform the GmbH after dismissal, even in the case of self-incrimination]
DER BETRIEB dated 17 January 2022, Issue 3, pp.108-109 (in collaboration with Dr. Günter Seulen)
Private client law in Germany: Overview
ThomsonReuters Practical Law dated 2021 (in collaboration with Elmar Krüsmann and Dr. Axel Wenzel)
Vertretungsmacht des Stiftungsvorstands: mögliche Beschränkung durch Satzungsregeln, nicht durch Stiftungszweck [Power of representation of the board of a foundation: possible restriction through provisions of the statutes and not through the foundation’s purpose]
DER BETRIEB dated 21 June 2021, Issue 25, pp.1389-1390 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Wenzel)
Zum Entzug der Geschäftsführungs- und Vertretungsbefugnis eines Komplementärs [Withdrawing the management and representation powers of a general partner]
DER BETRIEB dated 07 December dated 2020, Issue 49, pp. 2623- 2624 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Wenzel)
Anwachsungsklausel kann bei zweigliedriger GbR zu Pflichtteilsergänzungsanspruch führen [Accretion clause can lead to a claim for supplementation of the compulsory portion in the case of a two-tier GbR]
DER BETRIEB dated 26 October 2020, Issue 43, page 2291 (in collaboration with Dr. Axel Wenzel)
Private client law in Germany: Overview
ThomsonReuters Practical Law dated 2020 (in collaboration with Elmar Krüsmann and Dr. Axel Wenzel)
Rechtzeitige Erhebung einer aktienrechtlichen Unterlassungsklage [Timely filing of an injunction action under stock corporation law]
DER BETRIEB dated 7 October 2019, Issue 40, p. 2232 (in collaboration with Dr. Nefail Berjasevic)
Umsetzung der 5. EU-Geldwäscherichtlinie - Neues zum Transparenzregister [Implementation of the 5th EU Money Laundering Directive - News on the Transparency Register]
DER BETRIEB dated 22 July 2019, Issue 29, pp. 1617-1618 (in collaboration with Dr. Günter Seulen)
Books and Legal Commentaries
Unternehmensnachfolge - Steuerliche und rechtliche Gestaltung [Corporate succession – tax and legal structuring]
Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt dated 2020 (co-author)
ESG & Nachhaltigkeitsreporting - Bedeutung für das HR Management [ESG & sustainability reporting – what this means for the HR management], ESG Workshop Deutsches Institut für Rechtsabteilungen und Unternehmensjuristen, diruj [German Institute for Legal Departments and Corporate Lawyers] (1 December 2022) (in collaboration with Isabel Hexel)
Aktuelle Rechtsprechung zum Gesellschaftsrecht (2020/2021) [Current case law on corporate law (2020/2021)], 7. Kölner Gesellschaftsrechtstag [7th Cologne Corporate Law Day] (7 September 2021)