Daniel Gellrich has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2022. He studied law with a focus on tax law at the University of Münster and obtained a Master of Laws (LL.M.) degree there. During his legal internship he worked inter alia at the NRW Fiscal Administration, a boutique firm for tax, customs and foreign trade law and the auditors KPMG AG in Frankfurt am Main.

Daniel Gellrich advises and represents national and international companies on all legal questions concerning tax law. His work includes, in particular, legal support during judicial and extrajudicial proceedings. He also advises on corporate transactions and restructurings. Daniel Gellrich additionally has indepth experience in customs law, licence tax law and criminal tax law.
Daniel Gellrich
German, English
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 657
M +49 151 6734 5730
Articles and Essays
Spielerverträge im E-Sport: Was es steuerlich zu beachten gilt [Player contracts in e-sport: the tax considerations]
SpoPrax dated 1 March 2023, Issue 3, pp.171-178 (in collaboration with Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast)
Der Fiskus spielt mit - Digitale Athleten in unsicherem rechtlichen Umfeld [The tax authorities also participate in the game – digital athletes in an uncertain legal environment]
Börsenzeitung dated 04 March 2023 (in collaboration with Martin Brandenburger-Nonnast)
“Tax questions concerning licensing transactions“, Licensing Executives Society Germany, Munich (14 June 2024).