Christian Saßenbach has been a lawyer at Oppenhoff since 2021. He studied law at the University of Trier and obtained his LL.M. with a focus on IP/IT at the University of East Anglia (Norwich, England). He was also a research assistant in the employments & benefits department of an international law firm, working primarily on employee data protection. During his legal internship, Christian Saßenbach worked at Oppenhoff and in the Cologne notary’s office of Dr. Bischoff & Dr. Bürger, among others. During the course of his legal training at the Cologne Public Prosecutor’s Office, he also gained an insight into the work of the Cybercrime Central and Contact Point „Zentral- und Ansprechstelle Cybercrime“ (ZAC NRW).

Christian Saßenbach advises and represents national and international companies on all questions of IT law, data protection law and e-commerce. He is also a Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP-EU/GDPR).
He has expertise in gaming and e-sports law and regularly publishes on the topics data protection and e-commerce, among other things. Christian Saßenbach also handles future-oriented topics such as blockchain, NFT and metaverse.
He is a member of Oppenhoff’s Gaming and E-Sports Initiative.
Christian Saßenbach
LL.M. (Norwich), CIPP/E
Junior PartnerRechtsanwalt
German, English
Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 221 2091 115
M +49 151 1765 2240
Articles and Essays
Verschärfte Haftung für IT-Sicherheit für viele Unternehmen - Umsetzung der NIS-2-Richtlinie erweitert das Pflichtenheft [Increased liability for IT security for many companies – implementation of the NIS 2 Directive extends the requirements]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 15 June 2024 (in collaboration with Dr. Jürgen Hartung)
Neue Richtlinie zur Cybersicherheit - Lebensmittelbranche im Fokus von Hackern [New directive on cybersecurity – food industry in the focus of hackers]
Lebensmittelzeitung dated 7 June 2024, issue 23
Cybersecurity Law and Policy, Present Scenario and the Way Forward
Nishith Desai Associates dated July 2023, German chapter, pp. 13-14
Milliardenmarkt „Soft Currency Handel“ – Rechtswidrige Umgehung des Spielökosystems des Spielepublishers? [Billion dollar market “soft currency trading” – illegal circumvention of the game ecosystem of the game’s publisher?]
SpoPrax February 2023
E-Sport Veranstaltungen – Scheitern technische Anti-Cheat-Lösungen an TTDSG und DSGVO? [E-sport events – do technical anti-cheat solutions fail due to the German Telecommunications-Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG) and the GDPR?]
SpoPrax dated 01 October 2022, Issue 10, p.419
Wenn Spiele-Updates zu Schadenersatzforderungen führen [When game updates lead to damage claims]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 03 September 2022 (in collaboration with Malte Menken)
Bei Updates von Spielen ist Fingerspitzengefühl gefragt [A skilled hand is required when updating games]
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung dated 20 July 2022 (in collaboration with Malte Menken)