MinDirig. a. D. Christian Fischer

Aerospace and Defence

MinDirig. a. D. Christian Fischer


Christian Fischer is Of Counsel in the Aerospace & Defence department. He specialises in maritime industry and high-tech.


Christian Fischer entered the firm's Hamburg office early in 2019 as Of Counsel.

In mid 2013 he left the German Federal Ministry of Defence (German FMOD) at his own volition at the rank of Director General [Ministerialdirigent] and has been working since then as a lawyer. Until 2012 he was the Head of German Naval Armaments, German Head of Delegation to NATO's Naval Armament Group (NNAG), German Principal of the Maritime Theater Ballistic Missile Defense (MTBMD) Forum and Co-Chairman of the German-Russian Naval Armament Group. Until his retirement he served as Special Envoy of the FMOD for the utilisation of defence material.

Prior to this, he held positions as Head of Division Naval Shipbuilding Contracts at the Federal Office of Defence Technology and Procurement from 1996 and as Head of the Economic and Cross-Sectional Division for Naval Armaments at the German MOD from 2002-2008.

Christian Fischer worked for many years for Undersecretary Jörg Schönbohm at the German MOD, amongst other things for matters relating to the Federal Security Council, arms exports and armaments cooperation strategy. During his initial assignments at the German MOD he was entrusted with the negotiation of international arms agreements.

MinDirig. a. D. Christian Fischer

Of CounselRechtsanwalt

German, English

Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 23
50668 Cologne
T +49 40 808105 524
M +49 170 2335 072
