Articles and Essays
M&A Transactions, FDI Screening and the Challenges of Timing and Information Collection
in: Fechter, Wiesenthal (Hrsg.), The Age of Open Strategic Autonomy 2025 (in collaboration with Stephan Müller)
Countering extraterritorial sanctions
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy dated 04 December 2024 (in collaboration with Patrick Abel)
Das Verfahren zur Überprüfung ausländischer Direktinvestitionen − Grundsätze, Fallstricke und Strategien [Procedure for screening foreign direct investors – principles, pitfalls and strategies]
Handelsblatt, GmbH management 2024, Handelsblatt Media Group, E-Book 2024, pp. 84-88 (in collaboration with Stephan Müller)
Interne Untersuchung: Von Bagatelle bis Behördenbesuch [Internal investigation: from trivialities to a visit by the authorities]
Interview in collaboration with Dr. Daniel Dohrn 1st Steps on 26 March 2024
The notion of “security” in foreign trade law – Theory and Practice
CELIS Blog dated 21 february 2024
Neue Sorgfaltspflichten für Unternehmen ab 2024 [New diligence obligations for companies as of 2024]
Deutscher Anwaltspiegel - SustainableValue dated 19 February 2024 (in collaboration with Holger Hofmann and Juliane Prickartz)
All about security? What ‘de-risking’ in the EU and UK means for foreign trade and M&A transactions
Utilities Law Review dated October 2023, Volume 24, Issue 2, pp. 55-57 (in collaboration with Ingrid Hodgskiss)
Investitionskontrollgesetz erschwert Direktinvestitionen [Investment screening law complicates direct investments]
Legal Tribune Online dated 07 September 2023
ESG und Nachhaltigkeit - Bedeutung für die unternehmerische Compliance [ESG and Sustainability - Significance for corporate compliance]
Deutscher AnwaltSpiegel - SustainableValue dated 6 March 2023 (in collaboration with Holger Hofmann)
Effektive Sanktionsdurchsetzung durch neue Regelungen [Effective enforcement of sanctions through new regulations]
AnwaltSpiegel dated 1 February 2023 (in collaboration with Mareike Heesing)
Pflicht zum Mehrwegangebot greift auch im LEH [Obligation to offer returnable packaging also applies to food retail sector]
Lebensmittel Zeitung dated 23 December 2022, p.30 (in collaboration with Holger Hofmann)
CO2-Grenzausgleich bringt höhere Kosten für Rohstoffe [CO2 border adjustment leads to higher raw material costs]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 08 October 2022 (in collaboration with Holger Hofmann)
Ist der CO2-Grenzausgleich rechtskonform? [Is the CO2 border adjustment legally compliant?]
Legal Tribune Online dated 06 September 2022 (in collaboration with Holger Hofmann)
Immer dichtere Regulierung durch Sanktionen und Exportkontrolle [Increasingly tight regulation through sanctions and export control]
Börsen-Zeitung dated 9 July 2022 (in collaboration with Stephan Müller)
Trading with Russia, Iran and other blacklisters – a deal breaker?
WorldECR, Issue 109, p. 30 et seqq.
Die Konfliktmineralienverordnung Baustein eines Sorgfaltspflichtensystems mit Haftungsrisiken [The Conflict Minerals Ordinance: building block of a due diligence system with liability risks]
AW-Prax Issue 08/2021 (in collaboration with Dr. Vera Jungkind)
Tactics and pitfalls in multijurisdictional FDI proceedings
WorIdECR, Issue 101, p. 23 et seqq. (in collaboration with Regina Kröll)
Geheimschutz in der Wirtschaft [Protection of secrecy in business]
DÖV 2020, p. 1061 et seqq. (in collaboration with Anouk Ludwig)
Die jüngste Novelle des Investitionsprüfungsrechts - Europäisierte Verschärfung [The latest amendment of investment screening law – Europeanised tightening of proceedings]
M&A Review 2020, p. 412 et seqq. (in collaboration with Dr. Vera Jungkind)
Die Novelle des Außenwirtschaftsrechts - Europäisierte Verschärfung des Investitionskontrollverfahrens [The amendment of foreign trade law – Europeanised tightening of investment screening proceedings]
DER KONZERN No. 10/2020, p. 369 et seqq. (in collaboration with Dr. Vera Jungkind)
Verschärfung des Außenwirtschaftsrechts vor dem Hintergrund der COVID-19 Pandemie [Tightening of foreign trade law against the background of the COVID 19 pandemic]
NZG 2020, 619 (in collaboration with Dr. Vera Jungkind)
Interne Compliance-Programme als Instrument der Exportkontrolle [Internal compliance programmes as instruments of export control]
AW-Prax Issue 03/2020 (in collaboration with Dr. Vera Jungkind)
Der Fall Khashoggi - Exportkontrolle im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen politischer Interessenverfolgung und Durchsetzung übergeordneter Rechtssätze ” [The Khashoggi case – export control in the tense relationship between the pursuit of political interests and the enforcement of overriding legal principles]
DÖV 16/2019, 629 (in collaboration with Anouk Ludwig)
Books and Legal Commentaries
Transnationale Informationsgewinnung durch Nachrichtendienste und Polizei – Eine Untersuchung von Zulässigkeit und Verwertbarkeit [Transnational information-gathering by intelligence services and police - an examination of its admissibility and usability]
Bonn 2016 (Diss.)