Oppenhoff : Added Value

A Selection of our Services


When entering a foreign country you will apart from being exposed to a foreign business culture be faced with a number of different challenges and questions, ranging from finding and contracting the right people to setting up the legal entity that suits your commercial and financial purposes best.

Compliance with Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

The purpose of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act [Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz, LkSG] is to ensure compliance with due diligence obligations regarding human rights and the environment along the company's own supply chain. The Oppenhoff team has extensive legal and practical expertise in legal compliance consulting, including CSR compliance. Oppenhoff regularly advises companies on the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act.


Our interdisciplinary and field-tested Cyber Security Task Force helps you deal with all legal topics concerning cyber risks such as ransomware, infiltration and other cyber attacks. We offer you a cyber security check-up and advise you on the right way to deal with an attack in an emergency situation.


Sustainability, the Supply Chain Act, digitisation, profound changes in the rental market: companies are facing enormous legal challenges. Our attorneys answer your individual questions in an exclusive, modular one-stop store - and provide personal support in times of change.

SCC Generator

Use our SSC Generator to quickly and conveniently create a version that is tailored to your specific case scenario of the new standard contractual clauses (SCCs) adopted by the EU Commission in June 2021.

Oppenhoff Digital Academy

Digitisation is changing the world as we know it. New technologies such as Big Data applications, Internet of Things or Distributed Ledger are changing the economy. They are creating new fields of application and values for numerous industries, but also a multitude of new delimitation questions and disputes.

IP Check

Is your company's own intellectual property sufficiently protected against infringement and imitation? Take stock of your existing scope of protection and get an initial assessment here.

Trademark management

The trademark is one of a company’s most important assets. We support you in the selection of a suitable sign, its registration as a trademark as well as its maintenance and monitoring. Furthermore, we are at your side in all questions concerning trademark protection and defence.

GDPR Compliance Tool

Fulfil your documentation obligations according to the GDPR and quickly and conveniently create a directory of processing activities according to Article 30 GDPR.

GmbH shareholders’ resolution generator

Conveniently and efficiently create resolutions for your companies – whether monolingual or bilingual (English-German), with or without registration in the commercial register.

Sales Contract Generator

Do your sales representatives regularly conclude a large number of different contracts? Optimise your process flows with our sales contract generator tailored to your requirements!

Oppenhoff Family Risk and Privacy Management

Are you at an increased risk of being the target of an attack - on your person, your wealth or business, your reputation or your privacy? As part of the Oppenhoff Family Risk and Privacy Management, we identify appropriate preventive measures.

MEMENTO MORI – planning for the event of death

Know what lies ahead. The thought of death is not a pleasant one. Those who have nevertheless decided to plan their own succession often lack an overview. Sometimes, wills or inheritance contracts already exist; but they are often outdated because of legislative changes or changes in the familial and/or financial situation.